Opening Soon: The Dominic DePalma Memorial Scholarship Application


As of July 28, 2023, we have survived a full year without Dominic.

Dominic DePalma was a rising 2023 Broomfield High School senior who lived for his friends and loved his family. He was a true athlete who was instantly and naturally gifted at many sports, including basketball, baseball, and golf. But his one true love was soccer.

Dominic played soccer for Broomfield Soccer Club, Westminster Soccer Club and Storm North (both are now Rapids North), and Arvada Edge (now Real Edge Colorado). He played at Aspen Creek K-8 and Jefferson Academy. He was a State Cup Champion and Most Valuable Player who was selected to represent Olympic Development Program and Colorado Select for three years.

He also played competitive basketball for Westy Wolves, Standley Lake Gators, and Pomona Panthers, as well as playing on middle school teams at Aspen Creek K-8, Jefferson Academy.

The Dominic DePalma Memorial Scholarship Fund will soon announce deadlines for their upcoming application process. Scholarships will be available to athletes of any sport who best demonstrate the kind of qualities and spirit that Dominic embraced. Applicants are encouraged to prepare to tell us how they exemplify the traits we loved so much in Dominic:

Dominating: Dominic’s opponents felt his wrath, earning names like “Diesel” and “Dominator.” Broomfield High School Coach Zach Hindman said he’d never seen a kid intimidate his opponents (and sometimes his teammates) as much as Dom did. If he was coming in for a tackle, people just got out of the way. Other coaches have added that if they were behind in the last few minutes of the game, the player you want to have the ball at his foot is Dominic.

  • Applicants will describe ways they dominate their sport.


Leading from Beside: On the soccer field, Dominic had a brilliant disposition that you just don’t see often in boys his age, continued Hindman. He had a perfect combination of confidence and humility, grace and power. Important to the team, yet also kind and nurturing, he had an impact that guys don’t usually understand until they’re older. He was never out in front verbally but always someone the other boys were looking to for leadership.

  • Applicants will include examples of leading from beside.


Humility and grit: Broomfield Soccer Club Coach Liam Sinclair remembers Dominic fiercely sweating after their first training together, after Dominic giving 150% of his effort. While many players want to be the one to take the shot and win the game, Dominic didn’t need that credit. His keen sense of knowing when his best option was to pass to another player, and precisely which player would come through in that moment, won many games. His kindness and sincerity, combined with his commitment, rubbed off on everyone around him.

Other coaches have added that if they were behind in the last few minutes of the game, the player you want to have the ball is Dominic.

  • Applicants will include examples of humility and grit.

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