Memorial Benches


The entire community came together to construct three memorial benches:

Broomfield Commons

Country Estates

The Dominic DePalma Memorial Garden

Benches are placed where kids will be reminded to make safe decisions before getting into cars. The DePalma front yard has transformed into a memorial garden, where all are welcome to be still and remember Dominic.

Thank you for donations that have come separately from this page. The Montera, Bursey, and Holden families donated a combined $500! The Goal Total has been adjusted accordingly, from $7,000 to $6,500.
Stickers, Magnets and Bracelets Are Here!
The DePalmas are flooding the cars of high school students and their families with important messages — just in time for prom. These FREE stickers and magnets will help your student drivers think before getting behind the wheel of a car, and for their passengers to question the driver’s safety before getting in their car. Just contact one of us to arrange to get yours!
Benches are Beautiful!
The City of Broomfield approved two memorial benches for Dominic. The above green bench will be at Country Estates on the west side of the lot, across from the original memorial that the kids created. The second bench will be at Broomfield Commons, just north of the Yellow turf fields where Dominic, Diesel, the Domn8r earned his many nicknames. It will be BSC red.
While nothing will ever bring Dominic back, we hope that none of our friends experience this kind of loss, ever again. We aim to impact kids — and adults — in our community. May these messages be a legacy that lasts for many generations to come.
We can do better.
With these projects come expenses. However, we have chosen not to sell these memorial items. Anyone who wants stickers, magnets, and bracelets can get them at no cost. You will help offset these expenses for the DePalma family with your generous donation.
Thank you to Mike Hyten for combining Dominic’s drawings and Tami’s scattered ideas into a powerful message on these beautiful stickers and magnets. More thanks to Paula Fenn at for getting everything to us on a tight deadline.
Bracelets are made possible by Stephanie Amack, who was the very first to find a way for all of us to remember and honor Dominic’s legacy. Stephanie continues to help in every selfless manner possible.
An incredible amount of appreciation goes to Melissa Whitmer, who has spent endless hours negotiating with the city, researching memorial benches and fine-tuning our messages. She has graciously accepted the role of keeping Tami in line. Everything that has happened can be traced back to gentle nudges from Melissa.
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